
Summary [Monday]

I missed my Summary Sunday, so I'll just have to do it today. Past couple of weeks:

The new Kindle 2 came out, looking much better than the old Kindle in my opinion at least. But the prices of neither eReaders nor eBooks has dropped in the least. Also, there's a controversy over the "text to speech" feature.

Sarah Dessen has a new website. Looks mighty good, might I say?

I added a couple poems to my ReadWriteRide blog. Take a look and critique if you like.

I attended a live webcast with Patrick Carman (who is seriously amazing) the author of movie/book Skeleton Creek and an author chat with Tina Ferrarro of ABC's of Kissing Boys,
which were both SO much fun and I met a lot of nice people. Seriously, if you ever see a chat advertised, go to it! Everyone is always nice and you don't have to have quesitons prepared or anything.. its just a lot of fun.

I've joined BookMooch, which takes a little getting used to. I've already sent one book but haen't ordered another... but more on that some other day. It's not working too amazingly right now, but maybe I haven't gotten the hang of it.

Other than that, I went to a horseshow and got second place in one division and eliminated in the other ;) But its all right... it happens.
Haven't quite finished editing my nanonovel. At... all.
In the middle of Brisingr, which is taking longer than I though, but just as good as I thought :)
Aaaand.. courtesy of my new iPod Nano, I've watched way more movies recently than I should have. But that's all the fun of it, right?

So what's up in your life?


  1. Readergirlz have the best live chats and coolest people...just saying.... ;)

  2. well having a webcam chat was pretty awesome. AND not having to scroll through pages... just saying ;) haha

    but really I have no doubt readergirlz is awesome :)

  3. Hey! You posted on my blog about my design. I didn't design it! Here's the designer's site. She has a few other layouts available too, but the one I use is my favorite.


    Thanks for the comment!


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