
Waiting on Wednesday: Envy

First of all, thanks to everyone who commented on which book cover I should use! Keep the votes coming.
For now, I think I'm going with the third or the fourth. Leaning towards third.

Now, having read the first two Luxe novels, and finding them incredibly tantalizing, I can not help but be excited for the third, Envy.
With Godbersen's irresistible covers and plots, I find myself drooling over this new revelation. Unfortunately, I can't find a review copy *anywhere*, so I have to wait like normal people.

I am disappointed the cover isn't green though. I was so hoping it would be green.
Released on January 27. *squee!*


  1. I haven't read those yet, probably should! :D

  2. Most definitely.
    If only for the brilliant covers ;)


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