
Tuber Tuesdays (Would You Like to Join In?)

Today marks the first Tuber Tuesday! If you'd like to join in on the fun, put up a youtube video with a link back to my Tuber Tuesday post. If you'd like, you can post a comment with a link to your video!

The purpose of Tuber Tuesday is to share a great video you've found throughout the week. It can be funny, inspirational, gut-wrenching, interesting, a book trailer, a movie trailer, an author chat, or anything else you want to share!

Let's get started :) Here's mine (entitled Sardoodledom... You only have to watch the beginning if you want. I just loved it, haha)

Link yours below!


1 comment:

  1. Yay so glad you decided to host it. I'll be joining you next Tuesday Emily =)


Feel free to comment about anything!

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